Saturday, May 2, 2009

Things To Avoid

Living on the road there are a number of things that someone can experience. As a touring musician you get to travel all over the world and soak in culture, see beautiful architecture, try cool weird food, and most importantly (also the reason your there) you get to rock every night and best of all you get paid for the whole thing.

Of course every great thing has its downside. There is the obvious homesickness, actual sickness, lack of showers and laundry facilities. Some of us refer to this as the "life of scum" Ive posted below some photos of some stuff that I've seen in the last couple of weeks in euro land.

Drug Use. Europe as a whole is much more accommodating to drug addicts and other fools. Some countries even supply Heroin to addicts to avoid disease from sharing needles, and also to eliminate drug related crime. I took this picture at the venue in Prague. If you cant see, its a vent in the floor with a bunch of needles and cigarette butts. gross.

Problems with gear. In other countries the electricity is different. A common outlet in the US is 110, but a European outlet is 220 and has a different shaped plug. So any gear you bring over with you has to plugged in to a power converter and an adapter for the plug. This is a recipe for disaster. This is a picture of our Korg recording console that we use live to play click tracks and samples. Its also is my line in for my inner ear monitors. Wouldn't ya know this thing started to freeze up and do other crazy stuff, so I took it all apart to see if it was fried. This took all afternoon because there are about a thousand little screws and knobs and all I had to work with was a leatherman. It is working again but is still temperamental.

Also this. More to come folks.